Shadows of the knight 2

The aim of this puzzle is to find bombs in a grid in a few steps, only knowing if you are getting closer or further away at each step.


import sys, math

w,h = [int(i) for i in input().split()]
input() # number of turns before game over is useless
x0,y0 = [int(i) for i in input().split()]

# x0 y0 will be used to store the previous position
# and x y the current position
x,y = x0,y0

# xs*ys is the area where the bomb could be
# we'll first narrow down the area to a column by dichotomy on xaxis
# then to a single windows by dichotomy on yaxis
xs, ys = range(w), range(h)

def narrow(x0,y0,x,y,xs,ys,info):
    print("narrow : x0={}, y0={}, x={}, y={}, info={}".format(x0,y0,x,y,info), file=sys.stderr)
    # xaxis dichotomy
    if len(xs) != 1:
        if info == "UNKNOWN":
        elif info == "SAME":
            xs = [i for i in xs if abs(x0-i) == abs(x-i)]
        elif info == "WARMER":
            xs = [i for i in xs if abs(x0-i) > abs(x-i)]
            xs = [i for i in xs if abs(x0-i) < abs(x-i)]
    #yaxis dichotomy
        if info == "UNKNOWN":
        elif info == "SAME":
            ys = [i for i in ys if abs(y0-i) == abs(y-i)]
        elif info == "WARMER":
            ys = [i for i in ys if abs(y0-i) > abs(y-i)]
            ys = [i for i in ys if abs(y0-i) < abs(y-i)]
    print(xs, file=sys.stderr)
    print(ys, file=sys.stderr)
    return xs,ys

while 1:
    info = input()
    # uses infos to narrow the area where the bomb could be
    xs,ys = narrow(x0,y0,x,y,xs,ys,info)
    # chooses the new location so that it allows to split the area in half next turn
    x0,y0 = x,y
    # dichotomy along x axis
    if len(xs) != 1:
        # the bisection between x0 and x should cut the area in 2 so:
        # (x + x0)/2 = (xs[0] + xs[-1])/2
        # little trick
        if (x0 == 0 and len(xs) != w):
            x = (3*xs[0] + xs[-1])//2 - x0
        elif (x0 == w-1 and len(xs) != w):
            x = (xs[0] + 3*xs[-1])//2 - x0
            x = xs[0] + xs[-1] - x0
        # to avoid fixed points
        if x == x0:
        x = min(max(x, 0), w-1)
    # transition to second dichotomy
        if x != xs[0]:
            x = x0 = xs[0]
            print(x, y)
            info = input()
        # finishing
        if len(ys) == 1:
            y = ys[0]
        # dichotomy along y axis
            if (y0 == 0 and len(ys) != h):
                y = (3*ys[0] + ys[-1])//2 - y0
            elif (y0 == h-1 and len(ys) != h):
                y = (ys[0] + 3*ys[-1])//2 - y0
                y = ys[0] + ys[-1] - y0
            y = min(max(y, 0), h-1)
    print(x, y)