Skynet, the Bridge

This puzzle is the second level of easy puzzle Skynet, the Chasm - C. This time, there are up to 4 motorbikes on the road, holes everywhere, and you have to lead safely a maximum of motorbikes to the end of the road. As there are only 5 (waiting is useless as you can jump to the same place) actions possible each turn, amongst which 3 (up, down and slow) are rarely needed, and the road is not very long, it is possible to solve this puzzle by exploring the tree of game state. This is what does my solution, until it finds a winning path. Note that the way you explore the tree is determinant : a Depth First Search, avoiding repeating states, discarding useless ones, and favoring most frequent ones (speed, jump) will be needed for your solution to be fast enough.


import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;

/** Class representing a motorbike. A motorbike has 3 properties :
 * <ul>
 * <li> Its X and Y coordinates on the road
 * <li> A boolean A true if and only if the motorbike is activated
 * </ul>
class Moto {
    int X;
    int Y;
    boolean A;
    public Moto(int X, int Y, boolean A){
        this.X = X;
        this.Y = Y;
        this.A = A;
    public Moto(Moto m){
        this.X = m.X;
        this.Y = m.Y;
        this.A = m.A;

/** This class represents a step of the run, ie the positions of the
 * motorbikes, and their speed
class State {
    Moto[] motos;
    int s;
    public State(Moto[] motos, int s) {
        this.motos = motos;
        this.s = s;
    public State(State s) {
        this.motos = new Moto[s.motos.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < s.motos.length; i++)
            this.motos[i] = new Moto(s.motos[i]);
        this.s = s.s;

class Player {

    /* Returns true if there is a hole between the moto m
     * and its next position on the lane
    static public boolean willFall (Moto m, int s, String lane){
        // The area to examine go from the moto to
        // either the end of the road, or the next position
        for (int x = m.X+1; x <= Math.min(m.X+s, lane.length()-1); x++)
            if (lane.charAt(x) == '0')
                return true;
        return false;
    /* Put the moto on its next position
     * or disactivates it if it is going to fall in a hole
    static public void move (Moto m, int s, String lane) {
        if (willFall(m, s, lane))
            m.A = false;
            m.X += s;

    /** This inner abstract class represents an action (slow, speed, etc).
     * the name should be the string to print to perform this action.
     * the function 'apply' applies the action to a state and returns the new state.
     * it should also returns null if the action can't be performed, or will lead
     * to a useless, or already encoutered state, for performance purposes
    static abstract class Action {
        protected String name;
        /** Applies the action to state 's' and returns the new state*/
        abstract public State apply(State s);

    static class SPEED extends Action {
        public SPEED(){
   = "SPEED";

        public State apply(State s){
            State s2 = new State(s);
            // increases speed by one, and moves each bike
            for (Moto m : s2.motos) 
                if (m.A)
                    move(m, s2.s, lanes[m.Y]);
            return s2;
    static class SLOW extends Action {

        public SLOW(){
   = "SLOW";

        public State apply(State s){
            if (s.s < 2)
                return null;
            else {
                State s2 = new State(s);
                // decreases speed by one and moves each bike
                for (Moto m : s2.motos)
                    if (m.A)
                        move(m, s2.s, lanes[m.Y]);
                return s2;

    static class UP extends Action {
        public UP(){
   = "UP";

        public State apply(State s){
            if (s.s == 0)
                return null;

            // if moving UP is not possible
            for (Moto m : s.motos)
                if (m.A && m.Y == 0)
                    return null;
            State s2 = new State(s);
            // for each bike, if there is a hole on the concerned area of the current lane
            // disactives the bike, else, moves it up, and moves it forward
            for (Moto m : s2.motos)
                if (m.A)
                    if (willFall(m, s2.s-1, lanes[m.Y]))
                        m.A = false;
                    else {
                        move(m, s2.s, lanes[m.Y]);
            return s2;

    static class DOWN extends Action {

        public DOWN(){
   = "DOWN";
        public State apply(State s){
            if (s.s == 0)
                return null;
            // if moving DOWN isnt possible
            for (Moto m : s.motos)
                if (m.A && (m.Y == 3))
                    return null;
            State s2 = new State(s);
            // for each bike, if there is a hole on the concerned area of the current lane
            // disactives the bike, else, moves it down, and moves it forward
            for (int i = 0 ; i < s2.motos.length ; i++){
                Moto m = s2.motos[i];
                if (m.A)
                    if (willFall(m, s2.s-1, lanes[m.Y]))
                        m.A = false;
                        move(m, s2.s, lanes[m.Y]);
            return s2;

    static class JUMP extends Action {
        public JUMP(){
   = "JUMP";
        public State apply(State s){
            if (s.s == 0)
                return null;
            State s2 = new State(s);
            // for each bike, if there is a hole at the landing spot, disactives it
            // else, places it on the landing spot
            for (Moto m : s2.motos)
                if (m.A)
                    if (m.X+s2.s < lanes[m.Y].length() && lanes[m.Y].charAt(m.X+s2.s) == '0')
                        m.A = false;
                        m.X += s2.s;
            return s2;

    /** array of possible actions */
    private static final Action[] instructions = { new SPEED(), new JUMP(), 
        new UP(), new DOWN(), new SLOW() };

    /** lanes of the road*/
    private static String lanes[] = new String[4];
    /** If it is possible to win from state 's', this functions returns the
     * string to print to do so. Else, it returns null.
     * Winning means leading a minimum amount of 'min' bikes to the end */
    public static String winningMove(State s, int min){
        /* If the number of active motorbikes is 0, this state is lost, returns null
         if the x of an active motorbike is greater than the length of the lane,
         this state is won, returns "WAIT" */
        int nbOfA = 0;
        int x = 0;
        for (Moto m : s.motos)
            if (m.A) {
                x = m.X;
        if (nbOfA < min)
            return null;
        if (x >= lanes[0].length())
            return "WAIT";

        // tries each possible instruction, calling recursively winningMove
        // on all the next states.
        // If one of the calls returns a winning instruction, returns it,
        // else returns null         
        for (Action a : instructions) {
            State s2 = a.apply(s);
            if (s2 != null && winningMove(s2, min) != null)
        return null;

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        // amount of motorbikes, and minimum amount of survivors
        int M = in.nextInt();
        int V = in.nextInt();

        // Initializes lanes of the road
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
            lanes[i] = in.nextLine();
        int speed;
        Moto[] motos = new Moto[M];
        State s = null;
            // creates the current state
            speed = in.nextInt();
            for (int i = 0; i < M; i++) {
                motos[i] = new Moto(in.nextInt(), in.nextInt(), (in.nextInt() == 1));
            s = new State(motos, speed);
            /* Search for a move saving all the bikes (for the 3rd achievement)
            and if it is not possible, for a move saving the minimum amount of bikes*/
            String str = winningMove(s, M);
            if (str != null)
                System.out.println(winningMove(s, V));