The Gift

The aim of this puzzle is to find the fairest way to split the price of a gift. Given the budget of each participants and the price of the gift, you have to compute the contribution of each person, so that the highest contribution is minimal, the second highest too, and so on. This puzzle is very simple to solve once you got the following idea. The "fairest" distribution is the one where the poorest person pays her share (price of the gift)/(number of participants) if she has enough money or everything she has else, and the other people share the remaining price the fairest way possible. This recursive reasoning ends when the remaining price must be paid entirely by the last person.


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int cmp (const void * a, const void * b){
    int aa = *(int*)a;
    int bb = *(int*)b;
    return aa<bb?-1:aa>bb?1:0;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    // Read input : number of participants, price of the gift, budgets
    int N, price;
    scanf("%d\n%d\n", &N, &price);
    int budgets[N];
    int totalBudget = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        scanf("%d\n", &budgets[i]);
        totalBudget += budgets[i];
    if (totalBudget < price)
    else {
        /* sorts budgets, then starting from the lower budgets
           each particpant contributes (price left) / (number of participants left) 
           or if he hasn't enough money, everything he has*/
        qsort(budgets, N , sizeof(int), cmp);
        int contribution;
        for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
            contribution = (budgets[i] >= price/(N-i)) ? price/(N-i) : budgets[i] ;
            printf("%d\n", contribution);
            price -= contribution;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;